コロ助のワクチン接種してみた: 後半/I got the first COVID vaccination: Part 2【Vlog 6】#コロナ #ワクチン #カナダ #留学 #ワーホリ

OHIP/Health Cardwを持ってない方は、Ontario Vaccine Portalのウェブサイトから Ontario Vaccine Contact Centre又は、Provincial Vaccine Booking Lineと呼ばれる電話にて、オペレーターの指示に従ってゲットしてください👍

I’m sorry for making you guys wait pretty long time🥺(Who was waiting for me?🤣)
I finally could post the vaccination video part 2 whoch I got the 2 dose(s)😌
Other countries are talking the booster shots, however, we can get a Vaccine Passport’s QR cord by 2 dose(s). I also got it recently, so I will go out for drinking…😏
As the QR cord for person who don’t have OHIP/Health card, you need to call to Ontario Vaccine Contact Centre or Provincial Vaccine Booking Line. You can check the number via the website of Ontario Vaccine Portal. Follow operator and you can get the Passport which is QR cord😉
There are still not free in the world, please take care about yourself, family and friends🙂