Mars Red | Main Theme | Piano Cover

The first episode of Mars Red was so beautiful~. I am not sure if it will continue the same way as it started, at least I hope it will. And one of the main things that I liked about this anime was it’s music. This same theme was used as the intro of the first episode, but I chose to make the cover of the other version, which was used at the end of the first episode.
And I can’t believe I made a cover of an ongoing show, while it’s soundtracks are not released yet 😀 I had to listen to it many times inside the episode itself, and sometimes it was hard to figure out because of the speech ._. For some reason, the harmonies reminded me of Rachmaninoff a little bit, and I think I tried to imitate his style here, I wasn’t conscious about it though.

The composer is Toshiyuki Muranaka, and I think this anime is his debut as an anime composer? Anyway he’s great :3

Also, I’m giving online piano lessons, so if you’re interested, feel free to contact me~
