




〇Welcome to my channel
All these videos on this channel are mine. I put a lot of time and effort into making these videos myself. I make videos for TV shows. Here I am telling my audience how the cast of an old TV show has changed over the years.

○YouTube のチャンネル収益化ポリシーについて

○ YouTube channel monetization policy
This video is an original content where I create the narration manuscript, read aloud, edit, and collect information all by myself.
In addition, narration, detailed editing, introduction of the synopsis of the work, etc. are produced so as not to become monotonous and repetitive content.

Voiced by https://coefont.studio 【サブチャンネルできました】
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUILq8uTy1NSR_RVfT2OhRQ チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします。

妻夫木聡、鈴木京香、加藤浩次、杉本哲太、松尾政寿、綾瀬はるか ほか 【ゲスト出演】伊東四朗、泉ピン子、三浦友和、緒形拳、ガッツ石松、浅茅陽子、石橋凌、原田芳雄、国仲涼子、吉田栄作、横山めぐみ、笑福亭鶴瓶、鹿賀丈史 ほか



〇Welcome to my channel
All these videos on this channel are mine. I put a lot of time and effort into making these videos myself. I make videos for TV shows. Here I am telling my audience how the cast of an old TV show has changed over the years.

○YouTube のチャンネル収益化ポリシーについて

○ YouTube channel monetization policy
This video is an original content where I create the narration manuscript, read aloud, edit, and collect information all by myself.
In addition, narration, detailed editing, introduction of the synopsis of the work, etc. are produced so as not to become monotonous and repetitive content.

Voiced by https://coefont.studio