Artist Made Merch Survey 2022

Hello, fellow army!

With the recent **craze** of merch drops, I’m sure many of you are as curious as I am of how many people have *actually gotten the chance* to purchase some of this beautiful merch!

So being the dork I am… [I made a survey!](

It would be so amazing if you would fill this out so we can get an idea not only of who is getting merch but also how much merch has actually been released. Yes, this is clearly a small sample size, but really any numbers are better than none.

**Whether or not you got merch, didn’t even try, or didn’t want to, please still fill out the survey!**

If you did get merch this will probably take you **5-7 minutes**, and if you didn’t then **1-2 minutes**.

For those with data collection experience you might notice perhaps a bit of repetition in questions, but for ease of collecting, and just the general limitations that is Google forms, I did the best I could with what I have.

Feel free to share with army outside of reddit also! The survey will **close at 5PM AST on the 28th**, and I will try to post some preliminary results within a day or two with the rest coming within a week of the closing date!

Thank you so so much for participating!

**TL;DR I want to know how many people got merch.** [Take my survey?](


Edit: I’ve added options for both of the restocks in the survey. If you’ve already filled it out then only fill it out with your restock information. There were also a couple of issues with j-hopes questions but now that’s fixed!


P.S. This was briefly posted before but I was asked by mods to wait until jk’s release. If you **participated before** your answers are still valid. You can fill the survey out again if you want to, but **you don’t have to**. There were very only a few responses collected the first time so I’m not too worried about repeated answers skewing the results.

P.P.S. If there are any army out there with a data analysis background please help! I am merely a humble humanities major with a small amount of excel skills.