
Rola ignores that person. JAZA finally moves into action.ローラ不審な人を無視 JAZAがようやく動き出すCHIBA ZOO 221227R_1

Date Filmed: 2022/12/27
Place Filmed: 千葉市動物公園 モンキーゾーン
Chiba Zoological Park | Monkey Zone
#千葉市動物公園 #動物の福祉 #環境エンリッチメント

Summary ✎𓂃
This video was filmed in the morning. Rola and Monta had already started eating breakfast outside. Rola is eating at the highest space in the outside enclosure. Soon, the suspicious person appears. I became upset and could control my camera well. Sorry about the wobbly images. After 20 minutes or so, he seemed to give up throwing bananas to the primates. Rola goes back to her room and resumes her breakfast. Peace comes back. However, after she finishes her breakfast, there is nothing to do for her except watching visitors. It’s very sad. On January 8, I videotaped an evening news broadcast by NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) using my mobile phone. It was about JAZA (Japan Association of Zoos and Aquariums) going to check the living conditions of captive animals in Japanese zoos. I was not 100% well on that day, so I cut some parts due to my noisy coughs recorded. This episode may be banned later but I thought it would be very helpful for you to understand what is happening right now in Japan. I hope JAZA’s action will not end as a performance but will lead to the betterment of captive animals in Japan. Thank you for watching Rola’s video.

概要 ✎𓂃

📌M O N T A
Male | age 38
BD: 1984/09/25 (estimation?推定?)
POB: Spain or Africa (the information is uncertain)
Parents: Unknown (両親不明なのに誕生日が分かる謎🧐)
Rearing unknown 人工哺育か?

When he was little, Monta easily got lonely. In his childhood, Monta was often being chased by an elderly gorilla Momoko. They grew up together. He plucks his face hair constantly. He desperately needs a partner. I believe this can be prevented if the zoo puts more emphasis on environmental enrichment. The zoo thinks the cause of plucking hair is due to stress from being watched by visitors. Again, I believe if he has a companion or more enrichments, he wouldn’t be sensitive to people’s eyes if that is the case. The zoo also believes it is doing its best to provide environmental enrichment to the gorillas by leaving the doors opened for them to go in and out freely. I hope that the zoo will study more about the kind of environmental enrichment the other zoos both in the country and abroad are taking for their animals right now in 2022, and that it will improve the living conditions for them.

📌R O L A
Female | age 45
BD: 1977/09/21
POB: Beppu Cable Rakutenchi, Japan
出生地: 別府ラクテンチ
Father: Gonta
Mother: Rirako
Hand reared 人工哺育

Rola has difficulty in communicating with other gorillas. Especially when she is put with a silverback, she becomes ill. Hence, we assume she lives alone. She loves sunbathing. She occasionally shows abnormal behaviors such as coprophagy, licking urine, regurgitation and reingestion. I believe they can be prevented if the zoo puts more emphasis on environmental enrichment. Rola always searches for an earthworm as her companion. But it has a short life-span. I hope the zoo will consider the option of Rola living with other small animals. It may solve her abnormal behaviors and loneliness.

Episode on pairing up Monta with Rola

🔎Other Links その他関連リンク

WAZA(世界動物園水族館協会)への加盟について ~国際的に認められた動物園を目指して~
WAZA: https://www.waza.org/

1. Midnight in Carmel – Wendy Marcini
2. Making It Right – Jon Bjork