
女優・秋元才加、三田佳子から太鼓判!「資質持っている」 映画「マンゴーと赤い車椅子」初日舞台あいさつ2 #Mango And The Red Wheelchair #movie




Actress Sayaka Akimoto – former member of the idol group AKB48 appeared at the stage greetings event on the first screening day of the movie “Mango And The Red Wheelchair” (directed by Shigeo Nakakura), in which she plays the main role, held in Tokyo on 7th.
Her cast member Yoshiko Mita and director Nakakura were also present at the event.
Mita talked about Akimoto with full of admiration: “When watching the movie (which has been completed), I realize that she really has qualities to become a good actress, because she has played a role which requires bravery.